Somatic Alchemy is a body based exploration of shadow integration rooted in the 5Rhythms Wave and HeartBeat maps created by Gabrielle Roth. Over the course of the weekend we will explore the polarities of fear vs. courage; anger vs forgiveness; breaking down vs breaking free (sadness) and the relationship between joy and compassion.
We start with our very first cauldron, our bodies to first physicalize and then transmute that which is ready within us to be activated and transformed. We will use dance, play and focused connection to express and celebrate every part of ourselves…the shiny bits we are proud to display and the dented, dank and disowned bits as well.
Wightman School Community Building – 5607 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Friday, November 5th: 7:30PM to 10:00PM – Drop In Class
Saturday, November 6th : 11:00AM to 6:00PM
Sunday, November 7th : 10:00AM to 4:00PM
$45 for Friday Night Only Option
$265 for Full Weekend Workshop (Friday thru Sunday)